Tips for a Healthy & Sustainable Workplace

A big part of our adult life goes in working. We spend more than 1/3 of our day either at work including travelling to work etc. It becomes very important to look and consider ways to make our work and worplace healthy & sustainable so we can live a healthy & sustainable life.

In this topic we have tried to cover Sustainable materials, Food choices, Healthy habits, Reusing & Recycling, Fitness and its importance for a healthy and sustainable workplace.


 When it comes to sustainability in the workplace, there are so many easy ways to reduce your carbon footprint and make a difference in the world around you.


Choice of material used at workplace.

Choosing to use sustainable and recycled materials is so important, mainly because 99% of the products we buy today are destined for the trash within less than 6 months. The production of sustainable or recycled materials requires less energy, less natural resources, and less water than materials made from artificial chemicals and therefore makes less of an impact to our ecosystem.


With our landfills filling up at an ever-increasing rate, we need to be careful with the purchases we make, and conscious of the effect they have on the planet.


Many of the products that are destined for our landfills contain harmful chemicals such as lead, arsenic, flame-retardants, dioxins, chromium and the list goes on. Once buried in the ground, the chemicals can leach into the soil and contaminate our drinking water. These heavy metals and chemicals are extremely dangerous for life on earth and can significantly affect the central nervous system, reproductive and endocrine systems, immune system, and respiratory system. All in all, it’s just better to avoid waste!


Buy Less, buy quality that would last a long time.

The main issue is that we have become a planet of consumers, a society of ‘throw-it-awayers’ rather than ‘fixer-uppers”. We’ve been conditioned to think that it is more attractive to throw away something that breaks and buy a newer, better version of it, rather than putting in the work to repair it – assuming it could be repaired at all.


It’s common knowledge that since the late 1950s, many manufacturers have used contrived durability to achieve planned obsolescence . This means that they actually produce products that purposefully will break, go out of style or become useless within a relatively short period of time.


Instead of buying more, what we should be doing is reducing the amount of stuff we think we need, purchasing new items with intention, repairing the things that we already have when they break, so that we can reuse the stuff we have for as long as possible and only then should we upcycle, recycle or dispose of them – in that order. In doing this, we could significantly reduce the amount of waste that we currently produce.


Choose quality Reusable over single use disposable.

Taking steps towards sustainability can easily be done with a few simple swaps. For example, did you know that more than half a trillion single-use plastic bottles are sold annually all around the world? That’s over a million plastic bottles purchased every minute ! The fact is that most of these bottles (approximately 91%) will not be recycled, so by simply switching to a reusable bottle, the average person could save about 156 plastic bottles from entering the landfill every year. You can see that if a large company would adapt this way of thinking that they could make quite a difference!


Other easy ways to reduce the impact that you or your business makes on the environment is to replace disposable products such as straws, plastic cutlery, paper towels and plastic bags with alternatives made from sustainable materials, such as bamboo straws, stainless steel forks, knives and spoons, cloth napkins and reusable cloth bags. Many well-known companies sell complete eco-conscious cutlery sets that make transitioning to this new lifestyle more feasible.


Sustainability & Health go hand in hand.

Sustainability doesn’t just mean ditching plastic. It also means living a lifestyle that promotes healthy food choices and personal wellbeing. So in a way, sustainability and health go hand in hand. By prioritizing plants, minimizing meat and seafood, eating seasonally, supporting local, small-scale farmers, and buying in bulk, you can lower your waste production and form healthier habits at the same time.


Researchers recently discovered a lesser-known part of our body’s nervous system in our guts. It is said that this system communicates with the central nervous system in our brains and can actually affect your mental state. Therefore, making healthy food choices is essential to your overall mood and that in combination with physical activity can also help improve your cardiovascular health, boost your immune system, lessen anxiety and increase your energy levels.


Stay active at work.

Since nearly 40% of our waking hours and more than a quarter of our lives are spent at work, it’s important to find ways to stay active while on the job.


You might be surprised to find out that, these days, more than 80% of contemporary jobs are either completely sedentary or involve very little physical activity at all. For most of us, that means a day spent sitting and sitting too much is actually bad for your health.


Some studies show that people who sit all day are more likely to have heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and a shorter lifespan. This is exactly why we should place great importance on developing healthy habits in the workplace.


Try some of these easy ways to increase movement while at work. You could for example, walk or ride your bike to work. If you take public transportation or drive you could get off a few stops early or park a little farther away than usual to make sure you get some steps in each day!


Swapping out an office chair for an exercise ball can help strengthen your core and improve posture. Take phone calls standing up and pace while you talk. Avoid Elevators. Taking the stairs is such a great way to burn a few calories and get your heart rate up! Staying active can be as simple as that.


Moving towards a more sustainable lifestyle doesn’t have to be intimidating. You can do it by taking baby steps, one by one, towards your goals. You don’t have to make radical changes, rather take the initiative to make decisions with intention and with sustainability in mind. If you can do that, we’ll all be in for a better future.


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